OSI Altrip 2011 - 29 Apr-1 Mai 2011


X.MEHG Mehrgang - A-Finale 


01: 116 Bianca Stölzle [Erwachsene] - Glampi aus dem Glasmoor5,67
  TÖLT 5,5 - 6,0 - 5,5 = 5,67 
  TRAB 5,0 - 6,0 - 6,0 = 5,67 
  MITT 5,5 - 6,0 - 5,5 = 5,67 
  GALO 5,5 - 1,0 - 4,0 = 3,50 << 
02: 051 Beate Kupka [Erwachsene] - Djörfung5,50
  TÖLT 5,0 - 4,5 - 5,5 = 5,00 
  TRAB 5,5 - 6,0 - 5,5 = 5,67 
  MITT 4,0 - 5,0 - 4,5 = 4,50 << 
  GALO 6,0 - 6,0 - 5,5 = 5,83 
03: 362 Sabine Weiter [Erwachsene] - Frenja vom Lindenhof5,44
  TÖLT 5,5 - 5,0 - 5,0 = 5,17 
  TRAB 5,5 - 5,0 - 5,5 = 5,33 
  MITT 5,5 - 5,0 - 5,0 = 5,17 << 
  GALO 6,0 - 5,5 - 6,0 = 5,83 
04: 012 Martina Brunn [Erwachsene] - Asi vom Annahof5,39
  TÖLT 5,5 - 5,5 - 5,5 = 5,50 
  TRAB 4,5 - 5,5 - 5,5 = 5,17 
  MITT 4,5 - 3,5 - 4,5 = 4,17 << 
  GALO 5,5 - 5,5 - 5,5 = 5,50 
05: 037 Lisa Flath [Erwachsene] - Brúđa frá Leirubakka5,28
  TÖLT 5,0 - 5,5 - 5,5 = 5,33 
  TRAB 5,5 - 4,5 - 5,5 = 5,17 
  MITT 4,5 - 4,5 - 5,0 = 4,67 << 
  GALO 5,0 - 5,0 - 6,0 = 5,33 
06: 153 Sabine Lehmann [Erwachsene] - Holmi vom Wendalinushof5,22
  TÖLT 3,5 - 5,0 - 5,5 = 4,67 
  TRAB 5,0 - 5,5 - 5,0 = 5,17 
  MITT 5,0 - 5,5 - 5,0 = 5,17 << 
  GALO 5,5 - 6,0 - 6,0 = 5,83 

FEIF is bringing people together in their passion for the Icelandic horse

Erstellt am 30 April 2011 18:34:43 
IceTest 1.1.680 - FEIF - International Federation of Icelandic Horse Associations - www.feif.org